Sustainable and Resilient Remediation
The mission of the Bureau of Environmental Remediation is to respond to environmental emergencies and to manage environmental contamination through pollution source control, containment, or remedial action. The program responsibilities are: investigation of pollution occurrences and sources from spills, illegal dumping, abandoned facilities, and landfills; storage tank regulations; surface mining site regulation and designing and overseeing remedial activities at contaminated sites.
Resource and information links to assist with safeguarding the health and environment of Kansas residents during a natural disaster.
The Kansas Climate + Health Declaration aims to increase awareness of the impacts of climate change on public health, to increase civic engagement on climate action in Kansas, and to advance policies that build community resilience and safeguard the future of our state.
This is the state of Kansas wildfire webpage. Report addressing whether Kansas’ Wildfire Suppression System is adequately designed and resourced to effectively suppress wildfires. Includes current wildfire management strategies and policy recommendations.