The members of the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) Sustainable Resilient Remediation (SRR) Team wish to acknowledge the individuals, organizations, and agencies that contributed to this technical and regulatory guidance document.
As part of the broader ITRC effort, the Sustainable Resilient Remediation Team effort is funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
ITRC would also like to acknowledge the technical and administrative support provided through a contract to the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) in the development of the Sustainable Resilient Remediation guidance.
The SRR team appreciates the efforts of all team members who contributed to the development and completion of this document, as well as those who reviewed and provided comments on the document. The team also acknowledges the expertise and support of ITRC staff, specifically Project Manager Evan Madden.
The SRR team gratefully acknowledges the team leaders and program advisors who worked tirelessly to ensure completion of the SRR document and training materials:
Thomas O’Neill, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection
Thomas Potter, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Scott O’Dowd, Department of Ecology – Toxics Cleanup Program
Ira May, Maryland Department of the Environment
John Doyon, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection
Kathy Adams, Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF)
Barbara Maco, Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF)
Cherri Baysinger, Cymbella Consulting, LLC
The SRR team gratefully acknowledges the efforts of the individuals who took on significant leadership and writing roles within the team:
Bree Bennett, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Betsy Collins, Jacobs
Paul Favara, Jacobs
Ileen Gladstone, GEI Consultants, Inc.
Michelle Mullin, USEPA
Catharine Rockwell, Woodard & Curran
Cannon Silver, CDM Smith
Eric Christodoulatos, Honeywell
Paul Doody, Anchor QEA, LLC
Lloyd E Dunlap, Trihydro Corporation
Stephanie Fiorenza, BP and CDM Smith
Pamela Foster, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Jessica Gattenby, Arcadis
Nathan Hagelin, Wood PLC
Melissa Harclerode, CDM Smith
Amy Hawkins, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
Brian Hecker, GES, Inc
Jeff Henke, Weston Solutions, Inc.
Erin LaCosta, Geosyntec Consultants
Mihai Lefticariu, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Laura Lyons, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Arthur Machado, Langan
Ken Marra, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Jason McNew, EA Engineering, Science, Technology, Inc., PBC
Cassie Metz, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Eric Meilbrecht, EcoAdapt
Kevin Morris, ERM
Bernard Nwosu, Weston Solutions, Inc.
Michael Nye, USEPA
Karen Partington, GHD
Katrina Pollard, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Paul Randall, USEPA
Krishna Reddy, University of Illinois
Teri Richardson, USEPA
Christopher Ritchie, Ramboll
Jeffrey Short, ITRC Public Stakeholder
Russell Sirabian, NAVFAC EXWC
Luke Smith, Geosyntec Consultants
Raymond Smith, USEPA
Kristen Thornton, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Roy Thun, GHD
Haruko Wainwright, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The SRR team would like to acknowledge the efforts of the following individuals and the support of their state and local governments:
Kaled Alamarie, New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Dayna Cordano, California State Water Resources Control Board
Ricardo Jaimes, Washington, DC Department of Energy and Environment
Carol Stark, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Susan Kibler, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Alicia McGill, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
Wayne Randolph, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Myla Ramirez, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Dennis Reinknecht, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Tyler West, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Carmony A Corley, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Jordan Elmore, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Keisha Long, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Sonal Iyer, Virginia Department of Health
William R. Chapman, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Stephany Ospino, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Alexander Wardle, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Fangmei Zhang, Miami-Dade County
The SRR team wishes to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of individuals from several federal agencies:
Heather Henry, National Institute of Environmental Health and Safety
Evan Starr, U. S. Department of Transportation
Keith Thomsen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Russell Tice, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Jeffrey Cegan, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Dawn Rodriguez, U.S. Air Force
Paul Beam, U. S. Department of Energy
Albes Gaona, U. S. Department of Energy
Allan Harris, U. S. Department of Energy
Garth Connor, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Elisabeth Freed, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Michael Gonzalez, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Intaek Hahn, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Charles Harewood, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Ameesha Mehta-Sampath, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Gary Newhart, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
The team wishes to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of our public and tribal stakeholders:
Richard Aho, retired
Rebecca Aicher, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Oral Saulters, Tribal TAB
Peter Strauss, PM Strauss & Associates
The team wishes to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of the academicians who participated in the team:
Daniel Boateng, University of Tübingen
Veera Gnaneswar Gude, Mississippi State University
Reanne Ridsdale, Ryerson University
And finally, the team wishes to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of their industry affiliates:
Melissa Hasan, AECOM
Trevor King, AECOM
Katrina Donald, Apex Companies, LLC
Udaya A K, Arcadis
Rick Wice, Battelle Memorial Institute
Tara Dunseith, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc
Joel Farrier, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc
Benjamin Carreon, CDM Smith
Ayesha Dolasa, CDM Smith
Steven Perkins, Chevron
John Sohl, COLUMBIA Technologies
Guy Guinot, ERM
Sameeran Purohit, ERM
Rick Ahlers, GEI Consultants, Inc.
Ali Ciblak, Geosyntec Consultants
Francois Beaudoin, Golder Associates, Ltd.
Jonathan Stocum, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.
Stephen Washburn, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc
Angie Martin, Heritage Environmental Services
Nadira Najib, Honeywell
Karah Conklin, Integral Consulting Inc.
Brandon Tufano, Integral Consulting Inc.
Carolina Zuri, Integral Consulting Inc.
Leslie Steele, Kleinfelder
Matthew Ambrusch, LANGAN
Norlito Cezar, Parsons Corporation
Saroj Kandel, Parsons Corporation
Jeremy Musson, Pinyon Environmental, Inc
Daniel Schneider, Terracon
Peter Brussock, The ELM Group Inc.
Michael Firth, The ELM Group Inc.
Henry Clauson, TRC
Amelia Jones, TRC
Yasemin Kunukcu, TRC
Amy Wilson, TRC
Frank Getchell, Weston & Sampson
Marissa Montalvo, Wood PLC
David Smoak, Wood PLC
Stacey Hellekson, Woodard & Curran